The Table Florida, Inc
2022 Highlights and Accomplishments
- Over 3,500 meals served
- More than 150 individuals reached
- More than 40 volunteers were involved
- Over 4,900 volunteer hours
- Donated items given away each week
- 350+ clothing items
- 75+ hygiene kits
- 40+ first aid kits
- LYNX bus passes
- Flashlights, batteries, cell phones
- Bicycles, backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, blankets and more
- Helped individuals secure State ID cards
- Provided rides to appointments, hospital, detox
- Assistance re-connecting with family
- Helped with detox and rehab placement
- Hospital and rehab visitation
- Car repair assistance
Established in 2019 and incorporated in 2022 as a Florida non-profit and IRS tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization
The Table was established in January 2019 by a group of about 30 volunteers with the goal to provide a free community dinner once a week and meet people in the neighborhood. We continue to offer a free, nutritious meal on Thursday evenings, along with live music, a short story about Jesus, lively discussion and encouragement. Everyone is welcome and the diversity in the room creates a unique, friendly and supportive community. We have discovered many needs and opportunities in our community where we can make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. Our Board is excited about moving forward this year in several areas. Thanks for visiting our first website; we hope you will subscribe to our monthly newsletter that will begin soon. We will continue adding news and resources. We are also pursuing the use of a nearby property to expand our impact by creating a ‘community hub’ where we will have a central cooking kitchen, larger gathering space, small meeting rooms, clothing closet, help for the unhoused (showers, mailboxes, laundry, computer use, etc.) and a resource center. We appreciate your prayers as we research and seek grants to help us toward these goals.
Free Community Dinners
Live Music before and during dinner
Creating new community through a dinner together.
A short Jesus story shared by individuals from the community
What you can expect
Because of the generosity of individuals, we have been able to fill hungry tummies every week and offer Christian friendship to many who are looking for community, are isolated, lonely or vulnerable. Thursday dinners are lots of fun as we share a nutritious meal around the tables, enjoy great music and a brief story about Jesus, and share encouragement.